Now showing items 1-10 of 96
Maternidade, consumo e sustentabilidade sob a ótica ecofeminista
Current western societies try to influence women, particularly mothers; regarding their behavior and conduct in relation to the way they raise their children. Through practices ingrained and established, it is spread that ...
Reaproveitamento da madeira tratada com arseniato de cobre cromatado e isolador elétrico cerâmico para produção de compósito polimérico
The reuse of materials is a topic of great interest due to the high amount of waste generated in various activities. Waste of treated wooden poles with chromated copper arsenate (CCA) and ceramic electrical insulators (RIP) ...
O direito humano à alimentação adequada sob uma perspectiva socioambiental : repercussões do controle hegemônico da vida através das grandes corporações de mercado
Incluso con los crecientes cambios tecnológicos, económicos y sociales que se han producido en los últimos siglos, todavía hay una creencia generalizada de que los productos agroquímicos consisten única solución para ...
Gestão da gastronomia sustentável em meios de hospedagem
The objective of the study was to analyze the sustainable practices and their determinants in the gastronomy of accommodation establishments. To this end, six accommodations were selected in the Região das Hortênsias, ...
Sistema de indicadores de sustentabilidade para o turismo: uma abordagem do artesanato de Antônio Prado - RS
The search for sustainability has been a recurring theme in the field of tourism, due to its characteristics that generate influences in the locality in which it is developed. Therefore, the analysis of sustainability ...