Now showing items 1-10 of 150
O cuidado de enfermagem e suas representações no processo de formação
The central theme of this research is teaching and learning nursing care. The aim was to study the representations and practices prevalent in the current process of teaching and learning care, the perception of students ...
Linguagem e educação nos processos interativos de ensino e de aprendizagem no uso de tecnologias digitais
Two situations invite the teacher to innovate their lessons with the use of the digital technologies: in some schools is distributed a laptop for each student – by the One Computer per Student Program (PROUCA) of the federal ...
Astronomia no ensino de ciências : uma proposta potencialmente significativa
This study evaluates the implementation of Potentially Meaningful Teaching Unit (PMTU) of Astronomy in the discipline of science in four classes of sixth-ninth year of elementary school in a field school of the state of ...
Proposta metodológica para capacitação em educação ambiental por meio de oficinas temáticas e ambientes virtuais
Searching for comfort and practicality brought to society many consequences, among which stands out the environmental degradation and the need for a change in the teaching and learning process. Traditional teaching has ...
Ilhas interdisciplinares de racionalidade promovendo aprendizagem ativa
This work was developed within the research area "Educational Foundations and Strategies in Science and Mathematics Teaching" which aims: to investigate, evaluate and implement educational strategies in the light of education ...
O brincar na educação infantil : a influência das tecnologias digitais móveis no contexto da brincadeira
The research that has given rise to this essay emerges from the concerns of the researcher in her performance as a preschool teacher, and has as main objective analyze the act of playing in permeated contexts by mobile ...
Aprendizagem significativa no ensino de ciências : uma proposta de unidade de ensino potencialmente significativa sobre energia e ligações químicas
The intention of this study is to present the construction, the use and assessment of a potential meaningful teaching unit in a ninth grade class of science in an elementary school. It aims to approach a meaningful learning. ...
Uma proposta pedagógica para a aprendizagem significativa de trigonometria
This work presents a research in Mathematics Education which generated a differentiated pedagogical approach to the study of Trigonometry, developed based on constructivist concepts and based on learning theories of Ausubel ...
A pergunta como recurso epistemológico e pedagógico no processo de ensino e aprendizagem
This research analyses the use of the question as an epistemological and pedagogical resource in the learning process. The starting-point is the preoccupying education condition in Brazil. The aim is to verify the presence ...
Análise descritiva do uso da horta escolar como um recurso para alfabetização científica
This research consists in the planning and execution of a methodological approach with an emphasis on science education, for students from classes of 7th grade of Elementary School from an experimental life held in a public ...