Now showing items 1-10 of 121
Estudo sobre a variação da seção transversal dos pilares no dimensionamento estrutural de edifícios altos utilizando concreto de alta resistência
The introduction of high strength concrete has been intensifying in the construction of tall buildings due to the possibility of reducing the cross sections of the pillars and consequently of the materials and labor involved ...
Análise da efetividade do pré-dimensionamento estrutural de Ching, Onouye e Zuberbuhler em lajes maciças convencionais
The structural pre-dimensioning presents simple formulations for the determination of the initial dimensions of the structural elements of a building, with the intention of minimizing major subsequent changes. The study ...
Análise entre o sistema de laje BubbleDeck e laje nervurada em um edifício com grandes vãos, comparando aspectos técnicos e de custos
The construction industry is always searching for new technologies that provide more efficient constructive solutions, with a better cost-effectiveness, bigger durability and practicality, as well as less time of execution, ...
Estimativa da descarga sólida de sedimentos em um trecho do Rio Caí - RS
The hydrosedimentological cycle encompasses several stages ranging from formation, erosion, transport and eventually deposition of sediments with water as the main transport agent. There are several factors that influence ...
Análise temporal da temperatura de superfície na área urbana do município de Caxias do Sul - RS
Urban expansion is a global phenomenon that has the consequence of increasing the rate of urbanization in the cities. This factor causes a temperature of densely urbanizes centers to be higher than the green areas represented ...
Utilização de emulsão asfáltica em um solo de Caxias do Sul/RS para fins de estabilização e uso em subleito de pavimentos
Due to the great abundance of soil on the planet, and its relatively easy extraction, this has become a material of great importance in construction and paving works. In order to guarantee the desired stability, grip, ...
Análise do índice de condição do pavimento em uma via urbana destinada para corredor de ônibus na cidade de Caxias do Sul/RS
Rigid pavements in Brazil have been receiving more attention in recent years, becoming increasingly necessary especially on roads with incense and heavy traffic. Despite its high initial cost, its use can be an economical ...
Análise da confiabilidade estrutural de vigas de concreto armado utilizando coeficientes de ponderação inferiores aos previstos pela NBR 6118:2014
The Brazilian standard for reinforced concrete structures design, ABNT NBR 6118 (2014), uses a design method based on limit states, where the uncertainties related to the strength of materials and the structural actions ...
Análise da relação das dimensões de veículos articulados brasileiros na determinação dos raios mínimos de curvatura em interseções em nível
The main objective of this study was to analyze how the dimensions of Brazilian articulated vehicles influence on determining the minimum radius of curvature of intersections at level. The following vehicles, specified by ...