Now showing items 1-10 of 135
Turismo e eventos : os festejos farroupilhas de Caxias do Sul-RS
The Farroupilha week was instituted by state law to incentivize the memory of the Farroupilha Revolution, a warlike event that involved the region between 1935-1945, to be celebrated all over the state of Rio Grande do ...
A energia eólica sob a ótica do turismo : um estudo sobre os conjuntos eólicos dos municípios de Àgua Doce (SC) e Osório (RS)
The main objective of this dissertation is to acknowledge the existence of effective correspondence between wind power and tourism, identifying the confluence of these two themes and how this relationship could be used for ...
Hotel escola como ferramenta para aumentar a competitividade em cursos de hotelaria do Brasil
With competition from private institutions of higher education and the pursuit of attracting students to enroll in their hospitality courses, a teaching laboratory as a hotel- school would be an attraction for students, ...
A experiência turística em narrativas de viagem : uma tentativa antropológica no ciberspaço
Consequence of the constant movement of a tourismologist trying to acclimatize to the anthropological gaze, and its ethnographic nuances, this paper seeks to complexify the understanding and uses of Touristic(s) Experience(s), ...
Turismo de saúde : um estudo comparativo
The objective of this study was to compare the Apollo Group of Hospitals, which is considered a worldwide reference for medical tourism, to the Brazilian south's enterprises Hotel and Spa Recanto das Águas and Itá Thermas ...
Turismo e educação ambiental : uma análise a partir de instrumentos legais e projetos pedagógicos de cursos de graduação
Environmental Education (EE) in the tourism and hospitality perspective is an important object of study in the production of knowledge. In this context lies this research, which seeks to reflect on the relationships ...
A vitivinicultura e o desenvolvimento do enoturismo de Bituruna, Paraná
This research investigated the relationship between viticulture and the development of wine tourism in the municipality of Bituruna, state of Paraná. Being an essentially farming activity, viticulture includes the cultivation ...
O lugar discursivo do sujeito no segmento turístico GLS
This dissertation relates to the discourse analysis proposed by the French philosopher Michel Pêcheux and it has as the main theme the discussions on the structuration process of the academic discourse which addresses the ...
Para olhar o jardim na cidade : turismo, design gráfico e o Jardim Botânico de Porto Alegre/RS
The contemporary city finds, in its contrasts, a dialogue with its inhabitants and users. In it, the spaces are stimulated by the visual information and technology. The botanical gardens, in its scientific function, preserves ...