Now showing items 1-10 of 66
A importância do brincar na educação infantil
A cobertura fotográfica da pandemia do coronavírus com pinceladas surrealistas
This graduation conclusion work studies Photojournalism during crises periods, giving attention for social isolation caused by the pandemic of COVID-19 coverage. The main subject of this study is the verification of the ...
Impactos da pandemia de COVID-19 nas exportações do setor moveleiro de Bento Gonçalves
Humanity has been challenged since its beginning, either by political and economic disputes or by threats from viruses and bacteria that have plagued it throughout its history. Such challenges reflect how society is today. ...
Saúde mental do professor na pandemia: um olhar para o profissional da educação infantil
This paper addresses the theme, "Teacher's mental health in the pandemic: a look at the Early Childhood Education professional", with the aim of investigating factors that contribute to the malaise of teachers who work at ...
Surtos pandêmicos na interface entre direito, saúde e meio ambiente: políticas públicas e o princípio da precaução
Los estudios señalan que el vínculo entre el problema ecológico y las pandemias zoonóticas es tan
creíble, y potencialmente importante, como sujeto de controversia. Esta premisa desencadenó la
realización de este trabajo ...
11 de março de 2020: diário de uma vagabunda alfabetizadora
The present dissertation is inspired by the diaries of the young writer Anne Frank (2018) and the plastic artist Frida Kahlo (2017), it seeks to show, in the way of a diary, a vagabond literacy teacher who shreds remote ...