Now showing items 1-10 of 1044
Refletindo sobre exclusão: turismo e cidade a partir das falas de uma comunidade periférica de Caxias do Sul/RS (Brasil)
A city, the locus of coexistence and human sociability, constitutes a logic of inclusion-exclusion in its territory. Tourism, an essentially urban activity, has consolidated itself as an exclusive social practice, which ...
Constituição semântico-argumentativa do texto pergunta-resposta: uma análise didático-pedagógica com vistas à formação de professores
The hereby study has as its starting as well as its arrival point the need to qualify teachers? language skills as mother tongue users. The research path was grounded on the Theory of Argumentation in Language (TAL), ...
Sentidos subjetivos de estudantes com deficiência em cursos técnicos integrados ao ensino médio
Inclusive education requires the comprehension of more than legal frameworks and institutional actions, it also encompasses the individual aspect of each student, in order to broaden the discussion on the process. Disabled ...
A linguagem como trama sistêmica para o ensino jurídico brasileiro
It is a thesis in education and has the basic problem of verifying what is desired when teaching law, what is desired with such training, to those who want to be trained in the teaching of law. Such questions were decided ...
A ética da resistência: adorno e o problema da normatividade
This work addresses the implicit ethics in Theodor Adorno's philosophy. In addition to identifying its content, the work attempts to point out solutions to the problems raised by the critics, especially with regard to the ...
Preparação e caracterização de membranas de polisulfona-poliuretano para recuperação de água de processos têxteis industriais simulados
Techniques using membranes for the treatment of wastewater usually promote higher quality of treated water when compared to other processes. Among them, pervaporation has advantages in terms of selectivity, in addition to ...
A mobilidade do quarteto instrumental Yangos: dos fluxos às redes. Turismo, território e música
In its marks, Post-Modernity sensitizes the new contemporary moment in aspects as: [a] the paradigmatic ruptures of science in which cartesianism is faced with visions that consider subjectivities and complexities in the ...