Now showing items 1-10 of 888
A tutela jurídica do meio ambiente de trabalho frente aos riscos potenciais dos nanomateriais manufaturados
In the Brazilian legal system, the healthy and balanced work environment is a fundamental right, in addition, the worker must be guaranteed social protection, ensuring that the exercise of work does not harm the fundamental ...
Turismo e gamificação: um método para o desenvolvimento de softwares voltados ao turismo
The digital jogos and gamified activities can influence some ways of people thinking and behave (Navarro, 2013; Xu and Buhalis, 2021), improving the postmodern tourists experience (Molina, 2011) and integrating them ...
Revista Claudia: representações do feminino e da beleza (2014-2020)
This thesis, carried out with the Graduate Program in History, Professional Master's Degree, and related to the line of Sources and Collections in Research and Teaching of History proposes to analyze the representations ...
O impacto jurídico-ambiental da convenção de Basileia na gestão dos resíduos sólidos de serviços de saúde no Brasil
With Decree 875/1993 Brazil affirmed its permanence as a member of the Basel Convention, internalizing this document throughout the national territory. It is an agreement that brings in its body the definition of mechanisms ...
Implantação de inteligência competitiva em uma organização de saúde hospitalar
Competitive Intelligence is a strategic process capable of converting data and information into competitive differentials. In the health sector, the structuring of a Competitive Intelligence System presents its characteristics, ...
Avaliação do desempenho do processo de gaseificação com CO² de pellets e madeira de Pinus elliotti
The gasification of biomass residues with carbon dioxide (CO2) can contribute to the production of alternative energy, obtaining by-products of commercial interest, in addition to reducing carbon emissions into the atmosphere. ...
Efeito de extratos da macroalga antártica Palmaria decipiens sobre a linhagem celular tumoral de câncer colorretal HCT-116 e não tumoral HaCaT
Colorectal cancer is the third most frequent neoplasm in the world, being an important cause of mortality. Antarctica macroalgae are substances-producing organisms with potential therapeutic activities due to the environmental ...
Prontuário odontológico em formato web responsivo para dentistas veterinários
Into the veterinary field the specialties have been assuming an important role gaining a bigger space inside the small animal clinic. The dentistry have been expanding with specialized veterinarians all over Brasil. During ...