Now showing items 1-10 of 764
Análises de diversidade genética e padronização de diagnóstico molecular para detecção e quantificação de retrovírus felinos
Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and Feline leukemia virus (FeLV) belong to the Retroviridae family and are the etiological agents of two highly prevalent infectious diseases that affect domestic and wild cats worldwide. ...
Condições operacionais para a produção de pectinases por Aspergillus niger LB-02-SF em cultivo em estado sólido
Pectinases are enzymes that promote the deconstruction of pectic substances and stand out among the enzymes of industrial application, mainly in industries that process plant materials. The pectinases production by filamentous ...
Análise das ações adotadas pelos profissionais de supply chain para minimizar os efeitos da ruptura das cadeias globais de suprimentos em decorrência da COVID-19
Considering that supply chain management has significant importance in the movement of goods between countries, professionals in this sector become fundamental for the development of international trade. The Covid-19 ...
"Brasil, mostra tua cara" : um estudo sobre a relação entre a marca-país Brasil e as dimensões de confiança, consideradas a partir da cartografia de ações comunicacionais do Ministério do Turismo
The present research has as focus the relations between the Brazil country brand and the different dimensions of trust, considered from a cartography of communication actions of the Brazilian Ministry of Tourism through ...
Os desperdícios de alimentos nas Unidades de Alimentação e Nutrição (UAN) : um estudo de caso nos hospitais da Serra Gaúcha
This thesis research aims to analyze the processes and operations developed in the Food and Nutrition Units (UAN) in the hospitals of Serra Gaúcha. The theoretical approach was based on the presentation of the essential ...
Microbiota oral e estresse oxidativo em cães com doença periodontal e o potencial de terpenóides no controle bacteriano
Periodontal disease is an inflammatory and bacterial disease that affects the supporting and supporting tissues of teeth and is of great importance in the clinic of small animals, given the high incidence in dogs in the ...
O modelo de estado na visão de Robert Nozick
This dissertation intends to present an analysis of the state model proposed by the philosopher Robert Nozick in his book Anarchy, State and Utopia, which was a kind of response to the book A Theory of Justice, by John ...
Avaliação da satisfação de treinamentos corporativos em uma empresa de grande porte
This thesis presents an analysis on training where in the context in which organizations are inserted, among their competitors, training is a tool that helps to develop their employees to leverage and sustain their ...