Now showing items 1-10 of 105
Dimensionamento de lajes lisas: análise comparativa da obtenção dos esforços pelo método elástico aproximado e pelo método de elementos finitos
The flat slabs construction system has some big advantages to be used, like materials economy and constructive labor reduction. It also features many layout possibilities in a construction after its conclusion. However, ...
Estudo sobre a influência do efeito arco em paredes de alvenaria estrutural no dimensionamento de vigas de concreto armado
Considering that the structural masonry system has shown a significant presence in the Brazilian civil construction market and that in most cases, the structural masonry building will be supported by transitional beams in ...
Dimensionamento estrutural de um edifício residencial em concreto armado utilizando o software Eberick e calculando manualmente
This work presents a technical and cost comparison for the results of a structural calculation obtained by the Eberick software and in manual form. The technical analyses took into account the final computation efforts at ...
Comparação de vazões máximas de projeto utilizando diferentes métodos de estimativa na bacia do Arroio Pinhal - RS
Floods and inundations are the consequences of the natural phenomena, but their increase is perceived due to disordered urbanization of the cities, climate and environmental changes and to social inequalities that increase ...
Análise da viabilidade técnica do reforço de estrutura de concreto armado empregando polímeros reforçados com fibras de carbono
The primordiality of structural rehabilitation has become increasingly frequent. The usage of concrete did not foresee the appearance of premature degradation in improvements and works of art. Change of usage of the building, ...