Now showing items 1-10 of 159
Análise computacional do impacto da estrutura tubular de um veículo Baja SAE
The baja SAE vehicles, tubular cage structures used on off-road competitions with obstacles, are yearly developed by teams composed of university students oriented by Professors to compete against another university teams ...
Desenvolvimento de um condensador cascata de CO2 e R-404A
In a simple cascade subcritical refrigeration system, working with CO2 as a refrigerant fluid in the low-pressure side with direct expansion, it?s necessary a heat exchanger to do the condensation. This condenser, of shell ...
Projeto e implementação de uma microturbina hidráulica Pelton em uma barragem de pequeno porte de uma propriedade rural
The use of energy contained in fluids has been fundamental for the development of humanity. Nowadays, with the growing demand for energy, hydroelectric projects with low manufacturing cost and easy installation become an ...
Análise de desempenho e emissões de um motor ciclo diesel operando com fumigação de água e etanol super-hidratado
In this work, it has been investigated experimentally the thermomechanical behavior and those that affect a single cylinder ignition engine, operating in original conditions, with water fumigation at the intake manifold ...
Avaliação de um injetor automotivo para geração de gotas no estudo do processo de resfriamento do núcleo de reatores nucleares a água pressurizada
In order to improve an experimental workbench used to study the heat and mass transfer of a Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) during a loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) at sub-channel scale, has been emerged a demand for the ...
Análise dos fatores influenciadores na não conformidade dimensional do processo de dobramento
Sheet metal occupies a significant portion in mechanical construction, and its transformation largely goes through the forming process, more specifically bending. Avoiding waste and consequently reducing costs is a necessity ...
Reprojeto da manga de eixo dianteira para veículo Baja SAE
The Baja SAE project focuses on encouraging students from participating universities to demonstrate and improve the knowledge acquired throughout the course, through the baja vehicle competition. Competition that evaluates ...
Avaliação de um sistema de fixação em poltronas de um ônibus urbano
The present work studied the bolted joint used to fix the feet of seats on the floor of a bus used in urban public transport. Ensuring the integrity of the seat fastening is essential for the safety of bus passengers, since ...
Dimensionamento e avaliação de um sistema de escapamento de motor de combustão interna ciclo-Otto
The present work refers to the study and analysis of the exhaust system dimensioning of an internal combustion engine with the engine initially operating with the original factory system and, later, with the new sized ...
Análise de desempenho de um cambio manual e câmbio CVT aplicado em motocicleta
The present work aimed at a comparative performance analysis between a conventional motorcycle gearbox and three CVT gearboxes. The CVT transmission (acronym for continuously variable transmission) is a type of automatic ...