Now showing items 1101-1107 of 1107
Plano de Desenvolvimento Relatório Final
Níveis de depressão em indivíduos da terceira idade praticantes de atividade física na cidade de Caxias do Sul/RS
The objective of this study was to analyze the levels of depression in individuals of the third age who practice physical activity in Caxias do Sul and, specifically, to compare the levels of depression in these individuals ...
Mulheres que fazem uso de substâncias psicoativas na contemporaneidade: entre estigmas e preconceitos
The present study is a Undergraduete final project in Social Service Course, whose central theme is "Women who use psychoactive substances in contemporaneity: between stigmas and prejudices". The problem consists of main ...
A educação social e a autonomia de adolescentes em medida protetiva: uma concepção freireana no acolhimento institucional
he history of institutionalized childhood and adolescence in Brazil transits as an object of study in different contexts because there is much to be demystified, dismembered and revisited. From the period of the Wheel of ...
Atividade antifúngica de óleos essenciais sobre Collectotrichun horii agente causal da antracnose do caquizeiro
The main pathogen in persimmon culture is Colletotrichum sp., Which causes anthracnose. The disease occurs in the field, affecting branches, leaves, flowers and fruits, in pre and post harvest. It should be noted that the ...