Items 1-10 di 17
Comparativo entre métodos Jacobianos para solução da cinemática inversa de um manipulador baseado em quatérnios duais
Inverse kinematics is an open problem in robotics, due to its high complexity and non-linearity. Comparative among the several methods of solution of this problematic is topic of tendency in the academic environment. There ...
Controlador de fator de potência para equipamentos de solda a arco elétrico
Electronic devices and equipment provide different energy resources using inductive, capacitive or resistive loads. Generating reactive, active and apparent powers. Powers that are used for actions of electronic components ...
Desenvolvimento e implementação de sistema de acionamento de máquina de corrente contínua sem escovas para aplicação em veículo de competição
The main objective of this work is to develop and implement a brushless DC machine drive system for a kart with electric propulsion. In order for the project to be applicable, the main items required for its operation are ...
Implementação de aviônica embarcada redundante com RTOS para foguetes modelos com paraquedas de dois estágios
Modeling rocket works in the development of technologies related to small-scale rockets, integrating different areas of engineering with a common goal, such as launching nanosatellites into orbit, improving and testing ...
Sistema para aquisição de dados de máquinas termoformadoras utilizando o protocolo SNMP
The technology has always been one of the pillars of productivity advances in the industrial sphere. Nowadays the advent of Industry 4.0 and IoT provides solutions to increase analysis and productivity at the factory level. ...