Now showing items 1-10 of 74
Gestão ambiental como capacidade estratégica : um estudo no arranjo produtivo local moveleiro da serra gaúcha
The consequences of constant environment deterioration are showing the lack of natural resources available on the planet. Because of this, organizations and society in general must consider environmental aspects in their ...
Obsolescência do capital humano em organizações intensivas em conhecimento : o caso internetsul
Technological advances and global economic investments in IT create a demand for professionals that meet market needs. This environment in constant transformation is associated with the major causes of human capital ...
Relação das capacidades dinâmicas, inovação social e o desempenho organizacional na cadeia vitivinícola da Região da Serra gaúcha
The world changes, along with increased competition among organizations, the increasing amount of information and the greater speed at which they are transmitted are factors which influence the way organizations manage ...
Aprendizagem organizacional em instituições de ensino superior : uma análise dos fóruns institucionais na perspectiva do corpo docente
Learning is a process of understanding and structuring of reality and through previous experiences, new information is acquired and reorganized. Knowledge, learning outcomes, can start at an individual level and expand the ...
Conhecimento para inovar : um estudo sobre o processamento de sinais fracos e o desempenho em inovação
As innovations as knowledge show a main role in the organizational economic scenery nowadays. Furthermore uncertainties and turbulence may be associated with changes in these processes and sceneries, emitting signals and ...
A influência da capacidade de aprendizado, da criatividade organizacional, da orientação empreendedora internacional, da capacidade tecnológica e da capacidade de reconfiguração na habilidade em desenvolvimento de novos produtos
Due to the enhancement of globalization and economic development based in knowledge, innovation and creativity, companies seek sustainable competitive advantage in turbulent and changing environments. In this environmental ...
Inovação de produto sob a perspectiva da visão baseada em recurs
Based on the relevance of studies of innovation as an element that contributes to economic development and the theory of Resource Based View, which presents the strategic resources of the firm as a source for competitive ...
Adaptação de um método de formação de ambientes de organizações virtuais orientadas à inovação de produto
Adoption of collaborative practices between formerly competing organizations has accelerated, especially because of the new economic reality faced by companies. In fact, it is observed that collaborative popularization is ...
Inovações e seus canais de difusão : um estudo de caso na rede brasileira de bancos de leite humano
The Brazilian Network of Human Milk Banks (rBLH-BR) is the first thematic network of the Unified Health System – SUS. The network results from the co-ordination between the public health policy, interinstitutional integration ...
Sustentabilidade social como resultado da inovação social corporativa: análise a partir de práticas sociais realizadas por organizações do setor privado
This study aimed to analyze the social practices carried out by private sector organizations and their approximation with the expectations and results of social sustainability, from the dimensions of social innovation. In ...