Now showing items 21-30 of 1107
Suicídio: Justificabilidade moral a partir do pensamento de David Hume
In this thesis, the main objective is to reflect about the moral justificability of suicide starting from David Hume’s theory. Suicide represents a disturbing phenomenon that is inserted in the historical-philosophical ...
Efeito da natação e da corrida sobre a qualidade seminal
Significant changes in semen quality may occur due to the practice of physical activity, which can alter its quality according to the type of physical activity, intensity and duration. This relationship is especially ...
Avaliação de investimentos utilizando opções reais em uma indústria de transformação
Real options is a way of evaluating assets that considers the interaction between factors such as irreversibility, uncertainty and timing, which characterizes the nature of investments in an administrative decision of a ...
Estudo da nitretação a plasma da liga TI6AL4V ELI para aplicação ortopédica
Titanium-made intra-corporeal implants are still a significant portion of arthroplasty metallic components, due to excellent biocompatibility and low allergenic and toxic features. However, surface modifications are of ...
Os processos educativos e a construção identitária dos jovens agricultores do município de Vacaria (RS)
This research had as object of study the educational processes and the identity construction of the young farmers of Vacaria - RS. The main objective of the study consists of investigating the influences of school and ...
Docência nos anos finais do ensino fundamental e suas relações com as tecnologias digitais
This dissertation legitimizes itself to the field of investigation about the teacher formation passing through the teaching and the innovations in the educational scope. This research aims to investigate teacher education ...
Deep Reservoir Computing aplicado na previsão do preço de energia elétrica no mercado de spot
The Brazilian electric system is a world reference for its particularities in the form of energy generation, transmission and distribution. The energy matrix is mostly composed of hydroelectric and thermoelectric plants, ...
O papel mediador de paratextos na leitura literária de estudantes do quarto ano no ensino fundamental
This dissertation aims to investigate, from the way students interact with examples selected by PNBE 2014, the role of the paratext of these literary works in the choice/reading of a title by children. We propose as a ...
Jurisprudência para uma escrita redacionalizada
This paper is based on a study that reveals our tension regarding the way writing is taken, especially in the third year of high school. In this school phase, the act of writing is reduced to the essays for the writing ...
Desenvolvimento de nanocápsulas de poli(ácido lático) contendo óleo essencial de capim-limão e avaliação contra fungos fitopatogênico
Brazilian agricultural production reached 226.5 million tons in 2018, being Mato Grosso, Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul the states responsible for the major amount of the country’s production. Among the challenges of ...