Now showing items 21-26 of 26
Estudo de viabilidade para implantação de um serviço na Gross Cargo Bento Gonçalves de agente comercial para mercados externos
This work aims to analyze the viability of developing the external agent service at Gross Cargo. Therefore, managers need to be aware of the threats and opportunities existing in the company, in order to identify their ...
Impacto das fake news nos negócios internacionais
The present study approaches the impact of fake news on International Trade and it aims to analyze the impacts of fake news in the perception of international trade professionals. Therefore, international trade and fake ...
Blockchain e o comércio internacional
Nowadays, due to globalization and technological innovations, the business world and companies must seek to use technological solutions for everyday problems. One technology that can be widely uses in several areas is ...
Estudo sobre elementos da Felicidade Interna Bruta (FIB) junto aos acadêmicos do Curso de Comércio Internacional da UCS CARVI
Happiness is a wide concept. Each person has a type of thinking about the subject. However, 1972, the United Nations (UN) formalized and recognized an indicator to complement the GDP (Gross Domestic Product), called FIB ...
Estudo sobre a internacionalização do setor de cosméticos
Internationalization is gaining more and more importance when it comes to corporate strategy in the most diverse sectors. To venture into the international market, companies need to be prepared. It is no different in the ...
Relações diplomáticas e internacionais em pandemias: um estudo sobre o cenário mundial durante a COVID-19
The modern life, globalization and relations between countries was upended by a novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2 / Covid-19), which could be the most important event of the early 21st century. This paper analyzes the information ...