Now showing items 1-20 of 208
História do Colégio do Carmo de Caxias do Sul/RS : práticas pedagógicas e rotinas escolares (1908-1933)
This study intended to narrate the historical process of Colégio do Carmo, located in Caxias do Sul, from the period of 1908 until 1933. The paper focus is especially in relation to the teaching practices and school routines ...
Educação para a diversidade : acervos complementares do PNLD/2010
This dissertation analyses the representation of cultural identities in books of the human Science area, set 1 from complementary book collection PNLS 2010; aimed to the two first years of elementary school and the ...
O cuidado de enfermagem e suas representações no processo de formação
The central theme of this research is teaching and learning nursing care. The aim was to study the representations and practices prevalent in the current process of teaching and learning care, the perception of students ...
Concepções de gramática e de ciência no ensino de língua
This thesis has as main objective to investigate normative, descriptive and internalized grammar conceptions, describing them, seeking approaches with science conceptions and verifying if they present contributions to the ...
Educação e paz em Kant
This present dissertation entitled "Kant on Education and Peace", the result of a master's research of the Graduate Program in Education from Universidade de Caxias do Sul, aims to address the subject education and peace ...
Tecnologias móveis na escola : movimentos da gestão escolar
This master’s thesis has the purpose of understanding movements of school administration in the process of introducing moblile technology in school in view of Jean Piaget’s Possibility and Necessity(1985, 1986, 1987). ...
Educação estética pela mediação de leitura de imagens de obra de arte
The practice of art images reading in some teaching institutions has been accounted itself limited in the artist’s willfulness and technical aspects information said exclusively by teachers, there is little or none opportunity ...
O brincar na educação infantil : a influência das tecnologias digitais móveis no contexto da brincadeira
The research that has given rise to this essay emerges from the concerns of the researcher in her performance as a preschool teacher, and has as main objective analyze the act of playing in permeated contexts by mobile ...
Interfaces da docência a partir do articulador pedagógico na educação de jovens e adultos - EJA (Caxias do Sul - 1998/2012)
Inserted on the History and Philosophy of Education Post Graduation Program of the University of Caxias do Sul (PPGEDU/UCS), this current study has as an object of study “The interfaces of teaching from the pedagogical ...
Produção audiovisual como recurso didático-pedagógico no ensino de história : "Como me veem?", "Como eu vejo?" estudo de caso de adolescentes de uma comunidade em situação de vulnerabilidade social
This work, carried out between 2013 and 2015, falls within the context of an audiovisual production process that works with the concept of identity and belonging among adolescents in a socially vulnerable community in ...
Educação para o trânsito no ensino de ciências : proposta de uma unidade de ensino potencialmente significativa
The societies, generally, have in education one of its pillars. The school is a privileged space for learning and socialization, either on his ability to articulate theory and practice, as well on the multiplicity of ...
A pergunta como recurso epistemológico e pedagógico no processo de ensino e aprendizagem
This research analyses the use of the question as an epistemological and pedagogical resource in the learning process. The starting-point is the preoccupying education condition in Brazil. The aim is to verify the presence ...
Análise descritiva do uso da horta escolar como um recurso para alfabetização científica
This research consists in the planning and execution of a methodological approach with an emphasis on science education, for students from classes of 7th grade of Elementary School from an experimental life held in a public ...
Verticalização nos Institutos Federais de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia : concepção(ões) e desafios no IFRS
This dissertation presents the results of the investigative work about the conceptions of verticalization – between what is determined on Law N 11.892/2008 (which creates the Federal Institutes for Education, Science and ...
Proejando com os saberes : aprendizado significativo com a utilização da pesquisa sócio antropológica no ensino de história
This dissertation presents an experiment on the use of anthropological social research and the space of narratives in history teaching in adult education within the National Professional Ed-ucation Program Integration with ...
Lei de Estágio: uma análise dogmática e crítica à luz do dever de o Estado garantir a efetividade dos direitos fundamentais ao trabalho, à educação e à qualificação profissional
Law n. 6.494/1977 - Law of Training - and further regulations related to labour rights, education, professional qualification and the State s duty to implement public politics of insertion of youngsters in the labor market ...
Ensino de literatura : da Paideia ao paradigma sistêmico
This dissertation investigates the development of educational thinking, seeking approaches with the science’s paradigmatic ruptures, to verify how these processes intersect in teaching Literature. The research is based in ...