Now showing items 1-10 of 26
Inovação no uso e aceitação da tecnologia da plataforma E-Notariado pelos cartórios da região norte do Estado do Ceará
Technological evolution has gained more and more space in the performance of various professionals in the public and private sector, reaching deeply into the notary offices throughout Brazil with virtual mechanisms through ...
O nível de governança corporativa e a evidenciação contábil como elementos contributivos do desempenho e da competitividade das companhias de capital aberto listadas na bolsa de valores B3
Research in the Corporate Governance area seeks to prove that companies with good governance practices tend to have better performance and/or competitiveness. However, in fact, if there is a positive relation in this ...
A obesidade e o preconceito no ambiente de trabalho: a percepção da discriminação pelo peso
The fat person is stigmatized in the face of standards imposed by society because the person who presents a body that is not considered normal, rigorously experiencing prejudice and discrimination, thus generating consequences ...
O desenvolvimento de competências e habilidades na formação do administrador : um estudo aplicado em uma instituição cearense
The rise in business competitiveness has driven profound changes in the business environment, requiring organizations to seek professionals who have competencies and abilities that enable them to manage the daily activities ...
A cultura da inovação e as tecnologias das indústria 4.0 em concreteiras
It is a fact that organizations aim to stand out in the market and obtain advantages that differentiate them from their competitors. For this to be possible, it is important to know yourself and your competitor, and choose ...
Indicadores de desempenho como instrumentos de planejamento na gestão da saúde sendo objeto de estudos nos programas stricto sensu em administração no Brasil
Health services do not always perform satisfactorily, especially when considering non-profit hospitals. This framework requires challenges for managers in the search for efficiency and effectiveness in the availability and ...
Transição à economia circular em confecções : um modelo de avaliação
Due to the consolidation of fast fashion, the fashion industry expanded significantly beginning in the 1980s. As a result, the era of seasonality was established, causing the industry to increase its production, reducing ...
Transformação digital : a percepção dos profissionais de contabilidade
Digital transformation through intelligent systems and technologies connected to data emerges in exponential quantity and speed as a facilitator for accurate and quality information. Technologies are being introduced in ...
Segurança da informação aplicada no modelo SECI : desenvolvimento de um framework de gestão do conhecimento seguro
Due to the strategic importance of knowledge, it is necessary for organizations to adopt management methodologies that facilitate the creation and dissemination of knowledge but that also consider good security practices ...
Governança corporativa e o papel estratégico do conselho de administração
A Board focused on the present and strategic thinking for the future is fundamental to good corporate governance practices. Although board involvement in strategy is increasingly important, understanding how boards play ...