Now showing items 1-10 of 69
A pandemia da COVID-19 enquanto um desastre biológico e suas consequências sobre o gênero feminino
This dissertation addresses the COVID-19 pandemic from the perspectives of Disaster Law and gender. Analyzes some international guiding documents regarding disaster risk reduction, as well as the gender perspective presented ...
Relações diplomáticas e internacionais em pandemias: um estudo sobre o cenário mundial durante a COVID-19
The modern life, globalization and relations between countries was upended by a novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2 / Covid-19), which could be the most important event of the early 21st century. This paper analyzes the information ...
A escrita jornalística em tempos de pandemia: uma análise crítica sobre o discurso e a tradução de notícias sobre a COVID-19 em sites internacionais
This dissertation proposes a critical analysis regarding the headlines and leads in journalistic speeches published in English and their respective translation or version for the Portuguese language, from the BBC News, ...
Violações dos direitos dos refugiados no brasil durante a pandemia da COVID-19: análise das normas infralegais frente ao princípio do non-refoulement
The present work aims to understand how infralegal norms were able to possible violate international and national legal diplomas. Among these, the various interministerial ordinances that were edited from the beginning of ...