Now showing items 1-10 of 22
Obsolescência do capital humano em organizações intensivas em conhecimento : o caso internetsul
Technological advances and global economic investments in IT create a demand for professionals that meet market needs. This environment in constant transformation is associated with the major causes of human capital ...
Operações sustentáveis e desempenho : revisão sistemática e metanálise
Sustainability is rapidly emerging as one of the most important topics for business strategy and have been explored in a lot of research lines. However, the relation between sustainable practices and performance shows ...
Implicações do fenômeno big data na análise para inteligência estratégica
A considerable amount of data is daily produced by business and financial operations, social media, mobile devices, sensors as well as other gadgets available in the world. This phenomenon gave rise to the big data term ...
Inovações e seus canais de difusão : um estudo de caso na rede brasileira de bancos de leite humano
The Brazilian Network of Human Milk Banks (rBLH-BR) is the first thematic network of the Unified Health System – SUS. The network results from the co-ordination between the public health policy, interinstitutional integration ...
Gestão estratégica de custos e desempenho econômico-financeiro : um estudo nas empresas metalmecânicas, automotivas e eletroeletrônicas da Serra Gaúcha
Since the 1970s new manufacturing management philosophies have emerged. The accounting applied at the time wasn’t able to integrate management control information with production management information. In this context, ...
A tomada de decisão estratégica pela alta direção em uma perspectiva bourdiesiana na ótica da estratégia com prática
This essay investigated the practices of strategic decision-making of top management (TMT) in a metallurgical company in Caxias do Sul using the sociological approach of Strategy as Practice from Pierre Bourdieu's perspective. ...
Percepção do aluno de administração frente estratégias de aprendizagem ativa como inovação ao modelo tradicional de ensino
This dissertation presents an analysis of the active learning strategies adopted in the IES Management course in the southern region of Brazil. This work brings the perception of the student about the practices carried out ...
Impactos dos modelos mentais no desempenho organizacional : um estudo no setor metalmecânico de Caxias do Sul
Mental models are described as a set of representations, a world view. They are biases and assumptions that impact directly on the individual actions. Based on the theoretical assumptions this study had the purpose to ...
Relação entre valor percebido, reputação, confiança e custos de troca como determinantes da retenção de clientes no contexto de serviços de telefonia móvel
Maintaining and expanding relationships with customers in the service area, is to encourage customer retention and thus cause the corporation to be viewed differently by the market. However, the service providers must ...
O desenvolvimento de competências e habilidades na formação do administrador : um estudo aplicado em uma instituição cearense
The rise in business competitiveness has driven profound changes in the business environment, requiring organizations to seek professionals who have competencies and abilities that enable them to manage the daily activities ...