Now showing items 1-10 of 71
Coquetelaria e turismo criativo: uma proposta pedagógico-reflexiva em curso de tecnologia em gastronomia
Taking into account the General National Curriculum Guidelines for the organization and functioning of the Technology Higher Education Courses and the National Catalog of Technology Higher Education Courses (2016), this ...
Contribuições dos princípios da complexidade para a constituição de ambientes de aprendizagem no contexto da cibercultura
This dissertation, linked to the Program of Graduate Education from the University of Caxias do Sul and supported by the Higher Education Staff Improvement Coordination, emerged from an experience that had as a research ...
Processos educativos e de aprendizagem na biblioteca universitária: abordagem centrada no estudo de usuários
This thesis aims is to weave directives to reconfigurate the university library in contemporary times with the purpose to the qualification of educational and learning processes mediated by library and, according to this ...
A natureza da matemática no contexto de redimensão de práticas pedagógicas para o ensino de matemática na educação básica
We present a research with contributions from the study of the Nature of Mathematics to redimension pedagogical practices for teaching Mathematics in Basic Education. To contextualize this research, data from the Basic ...
Construção de ecossistemas no ambiente escolar por meio de uma unidade de ensino potencialmente significativa
In High School, the presence of descriptive, decontextualized and information-based science
teaching is evident, distancing students from current proposals that involve scientific education that
favors the necessary ...
Serious games e o desenvolvimento do pensamento computacional: uma abordagem vigotskiana
Computational thinking emerges in the current cybercultural, socio-historical context as a way of thinking that offers good perspectives, both in programming and in other areas of knowledge. At the same time, gaming related ...
Aprendizagem no cotidiano escolar: direitos, experiências e percepções discentes
This thesis had as global aim, through narratives about student experiences, to establish possible connections among the Cultures of Pedagogical Intervention (of reproduction, recommendation, discipline, grant/transference ...
Contribuição das práticas dos programas de aprendizagem experiencial para o desempenho gerencial: um estudo de casos múltiplos
The literature review indicates that learning relationships are expected to become increasingly widespread and are thus supported by constantly evolving technologies. The learning process and the need for human beings to ...
Formação continuada em matemática: aprendizagem ativas nos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental
This dissertation presents research on continuing education for teachers who work in the early years of elementary school at a private school in the city of Caxias do Sul - RS. The research sought to answer the following ...