Now showing items 1-10 of 102
Gestão do diretório acadêmico do curso de comércio internacional: análise das contribuições aos alunos
The present work aims to analyze the contributions of the Academic Directory (AD) of International Trade course at the University of Caxias do Sul, main Campus, in the academic, social and professional life of this course's ...
Endosso de influenciadores digitais sobre a decisão de compra internacional
The popularization of social networks and the expansion of internet access has increased the number of users on online networks, enabling the emergence of digital influencers. These new influencers who produce content and ...
Análise de perfil e trajetória profissional dos estudantes e graduados em comércio internacional
This work aimed to analyze the main characteristics of the professional profiles of students and graduates in International Trade from the University of Caxias do Sul, relating these profiles to their professional trajectories ...
Estereótipos da cultura brasileira representados pelos jogos eletrônicos e filmes norte-americanos
The north-american culture industry, through its many segments, has relevant economic power and global reach. Thus, products arised from this industry can influence the world view of citizens from different countries. The ...
Dificuldades logísticas enfrentadas pelos exportadores de soja no Rio Grande do Sul
One of the main difficulties faced by soy producers and exporters in the State of Rio Grande do Sul is the precariousness of the logistical system used for the production flow. This situation motivates the identification ...
Comércio ilegal de madeira: uma análise da regulamentação criada pela União Europeia para as importações
In recent decades, the environmental theme has been gaining space not only in government discussions, but also in the academic and business world. Nations, companies and individuals are expected to gradually assume greater ...
Estratégias de branding em países da América do Sul: uma análise comparativa no segmento de smartphones
Nowadays, technology and innovation is one of the fastest growing segment in both commercial and economic areas, generating vast competition between several companies. Therefore, it is pertinent to understand how the main ...
Efeitos da guerra na exportação de frango brasileira: uma análise da República do Iraque
The competitiveness present in the international market means that exporting companies do not discard markets with more complex negotiations, after all, these are commonly the most profitable. Considering that, this paper ...
O processo de intercâmbio de estudantes brasileiros para a Austrália
For providing several benefits of a professional nature and personal development, the experience of conducting an international exchange has become increasingly common among Brazilian students. Among the most popular ...
Estudo sobre a inteligência emocional em futuros profissionais do comércio internacional
Nowadays, the organizations operating in international trade need to deal with several challenges, changes and pressures that increase with globalization. As the professionals are considered one of the main resources of ...