Now showing items 1-10 of 22
Gestão democrática: processos educacionais e as práticas gestoras nas escolas municipais de Icó-Ceará
This research entitled "Democratic Management: educational processes and management practices in municipal schools in Icó - Ceará" was carried out alongside the Master's in Education course at the University of Caxias do ...
Experiência escolar juvenil em periferia urbana: sentimentos de injustiça e processos de reconhecimento
This thesis research, developed in the Postgraduate Program in Education of Universidade de Caxias do Sul, in partnership with Universidade do Planalto Catarinense, from October 2019 to October 2023, had as its main ...
A potência estética e humanizadora do contador de histórias
The act of telling is a way of registering and sharing human experience and culture to generations. In Brazil, since the creation of PROLER, the way of promoting literature through storytelling has been gaining strength ...
Jovens e ensino médio em tempo integral: sentidos atribuídos ao macrocomponente curricular núcleo articulador
This thesis, constructed and defended with the Postgraduate Program of the University of Caxias do Sul (UCS), had as its object of investigation the Full-Time High School Program (EMTI), a policy that changed the workload ...
Internacionalização do ensino superior, mobilidade acadêmica virtual e hospitalidade : aulas síncronas no escopo do Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL)
The present study focuses on the analysis of relational dynamics established (hospitality/welcoming) in synchronous virtual academic mobility (MAV) classes using the COIL learning model and presents, as an investigative ...
Literaturar: uma escrita pelo ato
In relation to academic writing in education, the thesis Literaturar. uma escrita pelo ato (To make it literary: writing through an act) broaches the Literaturar (Making it literary) together with the PPGEdu (Graduate ...
Círculos de construção de paz na escola e suas relações com a nona competência geral da BNCC
This dissertation deals with peacebuilding circles in education, restorative justice methodology that acts in the prevention and overcoming of conflicts and in learning the culture of peace. The study assesses the extent ...
Emergências estéticas : pistas para o redesenhar e repintar a formação docente como devir da pandemia
This thesis explores the possibility of redesigning and repainting teacher training based on Foucault's Aesthetics of Existence. The author argues that interaction with art can help teachers to develop their own aesthetic ...
A desenhografia de um movimento
The dissertation entitled The Drawgraphing of a Movement has as its theme the experience through Drawgraph. The drawgraphic method consists of combining two artistic techniques using the Picsart phone application and image ...