Now showing items 1-10 of 121
Inovação na atenção primária à saúde : um estudo de caso no município de Marau - RS
Innovation and knowledge generation are objects of study on all economy areas, among them, health. This way, this mastering research searched to identify innovations on Health Primary Attention in the city of Marau-RS. To ...
Análise do desempenho na cadeia produtiva da maçã no corredor Vacaria-RS ao Porto de Rio Grande-RS : sob a ótica da matriz de análise de política (MAP)
The present study aims to analyze the performance in the apple production supply chain, through private and social indicators, from the perspective of Policy Analysis Matrix, in the corridor between Vacaria and the port ...
Indicadores de desempenho para as micro e pequenas empresas: uma pesquisa com as MPE´s associadas a MICROEMPA de Caxias do Sul/RS
To entrepreneurship can be joined the nations´ growth and economy development. GEM research shows that Brazil is one of the nations with the highest world entrepreneurship rates, owing one legal business for every 35 ...
O empreendedorismo e a inovação em ambientes de incubação
Close competition is now the new regulator of the economical order. In this scenario, Brazil must take advantage of the opportunities of these new managing dynamics, improving their characteristics which allow the development ...
Implicações do fenômeno big data na análise para inteligência estratégica
A considerable amount of data is daily produced by business and financial operations, social media, mobile devices, sensors as well as other gadgets available in the world. This phenomenon gave rise to the big data term ...
Aprendizagem organizacional em instituições de ensino superior : uma análise dos fóruns institucionais na perspectiva do corpo docente
Learning is a process of understanding and structuring of reality and through previous experiences, new information is acquired and reorganized. Knowledge, learning outcomes, can start at an individual level and expand the ...
Conhecimento para inovar : um estudo sobre o processamento de sinais fracos e o desempenho em inovação
As innovations as knowledge show a main role in the organizational economic scenery nowadays. Furthermore uncertainties and turbulence may be associated with changes in these processes and sceneries, emitting signals and ...
Cidadania organizacional e outras variáveis comportamentais atuantes em um ambiente de fusão
Organizations change their management practices, sometimes after a process of merging, due to external factors such as changes or social, politics, environmental, and economic problems. It also happens due to internal ...
A prática da retenção de clientes em academias de ginástica e de condicionamento físico localizadas em Caxias do Sul-RS
This work approaches client retention´s practices in gymnastics and physical conditioning academies in the municipality of Caxias do Sul RS. The research, of an exploratory nature, was implemented by means of thorough ...
Processo de desenvolvimento do produto em empresas de uma cadeia automotiva: um estudo comparativo
The globalisation and the intense competitive markets, the high rates of obsolescence of products and the quick changes in consumer demands have forced companies to rethink their business processes and thus overcome the ...