Now showing items 1-10 of 12
Avaliação da satisfação de treinamentos corporativos em uma empresa de grande porte
This thesis presents an analysis on training where in the context in which organizations are inserted, among their competitors, training is a tool that helps to develop their employees to leverage and sustain their ...
Antecedentes da intenção de recompra : um estudo com consumidores de e-marketplace
Studies on repurchase intention have been gaining prominence recently, because in competitive markets the relationship between the brand and the consumer is of great importance for companies, since repurchase intention ...
Análise dos fatores que influenciam a intenção de compra de imóveis
Construction market has been growing in the last decades and to understand costumer behavior has become a subject of great ambition in the organizational context, as well as a great challenge for organizations. Therefore, ...
A relação entre os preditores clima de segurança, espiritualidade e comprometimento organizacional com a cultura de segurança
The research investigates the relationship between safety climate, spirituality, and organizational commitment to the culture of safety at work. The goal is to fill a theoretical gap in this area and help organizations ...
Financiamentos internacionais como impulsionadores para o desenvolvimento regional: o caso Proredes-Bird junto aos arranjos produtivos locais no RS
In order to enhance and improve public administration, it is necessary for the government to make strategic decisions and good choices aimed at meeting the aspirations of society. Programs and projects developed with ...
Competitividade no setor vitivinícola:a influência do conhecimento, da preocupação ambiental, das normas subjetivas, do valor percebido e da sensibilidade ao preço na intenção de compra de vinhos orgânicos
Forecasts indicate that population growth, climate change, and resource scarcity, as well as food, may intensify in the coming decades, threatening the living conditions of present and future generations. Because of this, ...
Omnichannel como estratégia de operações em empresas varejistas de Caxias do Sul
The advent of the adoption of new technologies and the modernization of retail has increasingly impacted the purchase journey of consumers, and the importance of omnichannel as a differentiating factor on the part of retail ...
Fatores que influenciam a disposição a pagar e a intenção de compra do consumidor de edificações sustentáveis na Serra Gaúcha
This dissertation investigates the role of sustainable buildings in mitigating the negative environmental impact of the construction industry. Recognizing the growing global emphasis on environmental awareness and ...
A relação entre employer branding e a intenção do colaborador de permanecer na empresa
The employer brand is the company's efforts to promote within and without itself a clear and concise vision of what makes it unique and appealing as an employer. In the last 20 years, Employer Branding started to be studied ...
Uma análise de como personal branding pode promover a imagem do profissional no meio corporativo
This paper discusses personal branding, which is a proposal to be used by people who seek to increase their circle of influence in the corporate environment, which can help to improve their image before society, enabling ...