Now showing items 1-10 of 25
Processo decisório de compra de maçã na cidade de Porto Alegre - RS
This study aimed to describe the decision making process of buying apple in Porto Alegre - RS, seeking to deepen the knowledge about the factors that influence the decision to buy fruit at last link in the supply chain of ...
A configuração da imagem de um shopping center na percepção de consumidores locais
The present work consists in identifying the image of Shopping Center Iguatemi Caxias, in the perspective of local consumers. Images are understood as a being organized as a net of meanings or schemes, which are arranged ...
Confiança, valor e lealdade do consumidor : um estudo desenvolvido em uma concessionária de veículos
This work discusses the strategy of customer retention through the practice of relationship marketing in the context of retail services at the car dealership. More specifically, the Passion Automóveis Ltda., Peugeot ...
Desconto no preço fornecido somente a terceiro: um experimento relacionando nível de desconto e nível de preço
Pricing strategy based on price discounts can positively or negatively influence consumer perceptions. However, this research focused on analyze the negative consequences of this strategy. It is known that a portion of the ...
Efeitos da atitude, envolvimento, experiência e valor simbólico sobre a intenção de compra de vinhos pela geração millenial
Studies on consumer behavior have grown in the area of marketing, especially those that seek to associate them with purchase intent. This construct has special attention on the part of researchers because it presents ...
Efeitos dos níveis de preço e do conhecimento da marca sobre a percepção de valor, da qualidade, da justiça, do simbolismo e da intenção de compra
Understanding consumer behavior is essential to understanding people's needs and desires, as well as the behavior of supply and demand. In addition, it is important to know how the consumer makes the purchase decision, ...
A emoção no contexto da prestação de serviços : um estudo aplicado junto a usuárias dos serviços de obstetrícia de um hospital público
This study aims to identify ambivalent emotions (positive and negative) experienced by delivering mothers using obstetric services at the Caxias do Sul General Hospital (RS). The
process of identifying such emotions may ...
O efeito país de origem no processo de avaliação de cervejas especiais e a intenção de compra dos consumidores
Globalized market has brought products from different countries to the Brazilian scene, whether assembled, developed or manufactured in more than one country. Given this, the need arises to understand how the consumer ...
A imagem de lojas online e seus impactos sobre a intenção de recompra
Information Technology and the Internet have started to provide a new business environment where consumers, companies and suppliers have found an alternative to traditional business processes: e-commerce and webstores. ...
Imagem e percepção de valor nas intenções de compra de carne de frango
Brazil is currently featured at an important position on the world market as a chicken meat producer and exporter, what generates jobs and the permanence of man living on farms.
Research shows that the consumption of ...