Now showing items 1-10 of 67
O agro é tudo? o direito socioambiental em face da ofensiva legislativa do agronegócio
This is a master's dissertation that aims to verify the legislative offensive in the face of social and environmental rights led by agribusiness, architected by the ruralist bench and supported by the Cultural Industry. ...
Federalismo ambiental e conflitos de competência : análise do poder de licenciar e poder de polícia dos entes federados diante da lei complementar 140/2011
Cette dissertation analyse le Principe du Fédéralisme Coopératif Environnemental prévu dans la Constitution fédérale de 1988 et les conflits de compétence pour les licences environnementales effectuées par les différentes ...
Os contributos da principiologia e da jurisdição ambiental para a descaracterização dos resíduos sólidos de borracha
In the social state, it is essential to study public policies as a supervisory source in the applicability of environmental protection, in an urban and socio-environmental view, in search of sustainability in face of solid ...
Estado socioambiental de direito e agrobiodiversidade: o convivialismo na busca da preservação da diversidade ecológica
Le thème proposé par la présente étude est l'État Socio-Environnemental de Droit délimité dans le domaine de l'agrobiodiversité, laquelle propose une approche des pratiques agricoles en faveur de la conservation de ...
A ampliação da legitimidade processual nas ações destinadas à proteção ambiental
The occurrence of environmental damage, such as environmental disasters, presents difficulties both in repairing the damage caused and in holding those responsible for the damages accountable. As a result of this or even ...
O princípio da precaução e as tutelas provisórias na realização do direito ao meio ambiente equilibrado
Damages to the environment have been increasing, both in quantity and magnitude. Once the damage is consummated, its reparation does not seem likely and the pecuniary restitution does not recover the harm, so, preventive ...
A responsabilidade civil ambiental frente aos riscos sociais, ambientais e laborais associados à nanotecnologia
The present dissertation brings as main objective the nanotechnology, one of the most spectacular possibilities of technological application of the 21st century; which nevertheless carries risks of various kinds, such as ...
A zona costeira urbana brasileira: uma análise acerca da relação do homem com a natureza e da regulamentação em razão da função socioambiental
The present study aims to analyze issues related to the urban coastal zone, analyzing the relationship between man and nature and the regulation resulting from the socio-environmental function. Therefore, we seek to analyze, ...