Now showing items 11-20 of 306
Análise da relação entre qualidade percebida e critérios competitivos : um estudo de caso no ramo de informática/internet
This study had as objective evaluates the relationship between competitive criteria and acting of services in terms of noticed quality and the need of adaptations of trade offs in the competitive criteria with base in the ...
Contribuições das competências organizacionais dos Institutos Federais de Educação, Ciência e tecnologia do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul para a implementação de seus papéis sociais
Taking into consideration the inherent complexity of current educational institutions, efficient management is of the highest importance. The Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology (IFs) were created to ...
Gestão ambiental como capacidade estratégica : um estudo no arranjo produtivo local moveleiro da serra gaúcha
The consequences of constant environment deterioration are showing the lack of natural resources available on the planet. Because of this, organizations and society in general must consider environmental aspects in their ...
O desempenho da manufatura enxuta : o caso da empresa Ognibene, nas unidades de Caxias do Sul - Brasil e Reggio Emilia - Itália
From the studies performed by Shingo (1996), Ohno (1997), and Womack & Jones (1998), this essay aimed to identify the factors that influence the performance of the lean manufacturing at Ognibene Company, in the view of its ...
Análise do gerenciamento ambiental nos hospitais de Caxias do Sul - RS
The activities of the elderly health assistance institutions generate tons of hospital residues daily. The efficiency of the health sector is questioned, concerning the management of hospital residues, as an emergent subject ...
Modelo integrado para previsão de vendas como uma ferramenta de competitividade : um estudo de caso em uma empresa do setor têxtil
In the business setting, the planning of the organizational activities along with the sales forecast enables the optimization of the resources involved in the company. The goal of this dissertation was to fit models of ...
Obsolescência do capital humano em organizações intensivas em conhecimento : o caso internetsul
Technological advances and global economic investments in IT create a demand for professionals that meet market needs. This environment in constant transformation is associated with the major causes of human capital ...
Desenvolver cadeia de suprimentos local ou global : um estudo de caso do processo decisório no Grupo Marcopolo
The complexity of the globalized and competitive market leads the companies to the search for the optimization of processes, costs reduction and achievement of economies of scale, not only in production but also in support ...
Operações sustentáveis e desempenho : revisão sistemática e metanálise
Sustainability is rapidly emerging as one of the most important topics for business strategy and have been explored in a lot of research lines. However, the relation between sustainable practices and performance shows ...
O empreendedorismo e a inovação em ambientes de incubação
Close competition is now the new regulator of the economical order. In this scenario, Brazil must take advantage of the opportunities of these new managing dynamics, improving their characteristics which allow the development ...