Now showing items 21-30 of 306
Análise de fatores condicionantes na adoção de um sistema de custeio em micro e pequenas empresas no setor metal-mecânico de Caxias do Sul-RS
In the globalized and competitive world in which we live, the constant changes make the micro and small enterprises reconsider their administrative model. In this context, there ought to be constant monitoring and reassessment ...
Práticas Lean Manufacturing e métricas de desempenho em empresas do setor automotivo da Serra Gaúcha
The automotive sector is characterized by the search for cost reduction and waste in their production processes. Thus, it becomes necessary to use best practices to stay competitive in the market. Among these practices, ...
Relações entre capital psicológico e motivação : um estudo em organizações de saúde do Rio Grande do Sul
The Psychological Capital and the theory of self-determination, through the study of motivation for the job are related areas will research of human behavior in organizations. Both approaches propose measuring instruments ...
Implicações do fenômeno big data na análise para inteligência estratégica
A considerable amount of data is daily produced by business and financial operations, social media, mobile devices, sensors as well as other gadgets available in the world. This phenomenon gave rise to the big data term ...
Aprendizagem organizacional em instituições de ensino superior : uma análise dos fóruns institucionais na perspectiva do corpo docente
Learning is a process of understanding and structuring of reality and through previous experiences, new information is acquired and reorganized. Knowledge, learning outcomes, can start at an individual level and expand the ...
Bases, processos e resultados da aprendizagem interorganizacional em rede de cooperação : um estudo de casos múltiplos
The inter-organizational learning has emerged as one of the relevant issues to the environment in which organizations are inserted, integrate an important tool in the formulation and development of strategies for companies ...
Percepção dos profissionais da área da saúde sobre o processo de acreditação hospitalar nivel I (ONA) - caso do Hospital Geral de Caxias do Sul
Accreditation is the procedure for the evaluation of institutional resources, volunteer, periodic, secretive and confidential, which tends to ensure the quality of care through previously accepted standards. This work was ...
Análise do Storytelling para o processo de reflexão como forma de aprendizagem organizacional
The learning process has not developed through educational institutions and learning, both individual and organizational, it would occur from the experiences of the older, transmitting their knowledge through the resulting ...
A contribuição dos recursos organizacionais para a estratégia competitiva dos prestadores de serviços logísticos (PSLs) : estudo multicasos em empresas de transporte rodoviário de cargas de Caxias do Sul
The strategic focus directed to the internal resources of the organizations, promoted as from the decade of the 80s, has been disseminated in various segments of the market, also calling attention to the logistics and ...
Alinhamento dinâmico de cadeias de suprimentos em empresas automotivas no Brasil
Recent studies carried out on Supply Chains suggest that companies should manage, in a dynamic manner, the various types of supply chains in order to meet the different types of buying behavior of their customers. While ...