Now showing items 1-10 of 15
Inovação de produtos inteligentes a partir da internet das coisas : um estudo de casos múltiplos em empresas do Rio Grande do Sul
The innovation and implementation of smart products has been growing in recent years, since the development of new technologies makes products adaptive and generators of advantages for the human being. The aim of this ...
Implicações do fenômeno Big Data na tomada de decisão baseada em dados em uma cooperativa de crédito
With the exponential growth in the volume of data to be managed and analyzed by companies in the last decades, more complexity is added to the decision making. In addition to volume, they also multiply as data sources and ...
Uso de inteligência artificial em apoio à decisão clínica: o caso do Hospital de Câncer Mãe de Deus com a ferramenta cognitiva Watson for oncology
Artificial Intelligence is an area of science originated in the 1950s, through studies of neuroscience and mathematics, proposing the simulation or reproduction of human-level intelligence in machines. Evolution made it ...
A interação entre princípios cooperativistas e práticas de aprendizagem organizacional na geração de inovações sociais: análise a partir de programas sociais da Sicredi Serrana
Social innovation draws attention from researchers as well as the organizations due to new social problems that require new, useful and lasting solutions. It can be defined as a process of scientific initiation to achieve ...
A cultura da informação e o processo de sensemaking em instituições de ensino superior da Serra Gaúcha
The information culture can be characterized as a competitive differential for the knowledge organizations because it bases the behaviors that make possible the interpretation of the signals of the internal and external ...
Percepção do aluno de administração frente estratégias de aprendizagem ativa como inovação ao modelo tradicional de ensino
This dissertation presents an analysis of the active learning strategies adopted in the IES Management course in the southern region of Brazil. This work brings the perception of the student about the practices carried out ...
Compras 4.0: um estudo de caso múltiplo da indústria 4.0 no processo de compras industriais
Industry has always been an important link in the development of humanity. The search for means of production that make life easier for human beings, coupled with the profit it provides, has continually motivated the ...
Avaliação do índice de desenvolvimento humano como indicador no estabelecimento de políticas públicas na cidade de Caxias do Sul
The Human Development Index (HDI) measures human development in 170 countries and territories, being prepared by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Covers dimensions longevity, education and income in your ...
A interação entre a aprendizagem formal e informal para o desenvolvimento de gestores: um estudo de caso em uma Instituição de Ensino Superior
Organizational learning highlights the skills and processes of knowledge construction and utilization for learning in the organizational context. The need for evolution and continuous organizational changes have required ...
Desconto no preço fornecido somente a terceiro: um experimento relacionando nível de desconto e nível de preço
Pricing strategy based on price discounts can positively or negatively influence consumer perceptions. However, this research focused on analyze the negative consequences of this strategy. It is known that a portion of the ...