Itens para a visualização no momento 1-10 of 306
Inovação na atenção primária à saúde : um estudo de caso no município de Marau - RS
Innovation and knowledge generation are objects of study on all economy areas, among them, health. This way, this mastering research searched to identify innovations on Health Primary Attention in the city of Marau-RS. To ...
Estudo do fluxo de conhecimento entre atores da cadeia produtiva da maçã
Organizations depend on timely and effective knowledge flow to enhance their skills and execution of activities. Studies on the knowledge flow - moving process knowledge from a sender to a receiver - are considered essential, ...
Análise do desempenho na cadeia produtiva da maçã no corredor Vacaria-RS ao Porto de Rio Grande-RS : sob a ótica da matriz de análise de política (MAP)
The present study aims to analyze the performance in the apple production supply chain, through private and social indicators, from the perspective of Policy Analysis Matrix, in the corridor between Vacaria and the port ...
Desenvolvimento de inteligência competitiva no setor vitivinícola
Competitive Intelligence is a dynamic process that can mobilize collective action around the transformation of data, information and knowledge on intelligence, to increase the competitiveness of companies. Under a sectoral ...
Caracterização e análise das inovações nos cursos de mestrado em Administração em universidades da região sul do Brasil
This project fits within the Research for the Management of Innovation and Competitiveness program, linked to the Master of Administration at the University of Caxias do Sul (UCS), which aims to study the relationship ...
Inovação : estudo de caso em uma encarroçadora de ônibus de Caxias do Sul
With the increasing globalization of markets and the gradual increase of competition, innovation can provide positive results to organizations such as profitability and competitive advantage of the creation and maintenance ...
A influência do uso e da cultura da informação na integridade estrutural da inteligência estratégica dos distribuidores Randon
Strategic Intelligence is recognized in the field of administration by the capability to enhance the competitiveness of organizations and to support decision making through a better comprehension of the environment. However ...
Matriz de posicionamento de materiais global : desenvolvimento e aplicação
Multinational companies are involved in global sourcing and usually have manufacturing plants, sales and marketing activities around the world. This dissertation presents the development of a tool which objective is to ...
Indicadores de desempenho para as micro e pequenas empresas: uma pesquisa com as MPE´s associadas a MICROEMPA de Caxias do Sul/RS
To entrepreneurship can be joined the nations´ growth and economy development. GEM research shows that Brazil is one of the nations with the highest world entrepreneurship rates, owing one legal business for every 35 ...
Inovação em grupos de pesquisa em nanotecnologia : um estudo de caso no Rio Grande do Sul
Currently, the organizations compete in a scenario of constant change, requiring thus technological capacity to meet market demands. In this scenario, the nanotech industry emerges as a promise of future that continues on ...